martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

So, a friend told me I should write.
Apparently she liked the little writing that I've done so far.
I doubt I have anything interesting to say, but hey, I’m easily convinced to try new things.

And at this moment, “new” means keeping a blog.

No format.
No regularity.
No set topics.
Heck, I don’t have a title for it! And until I do, that’s the way it’ll stay.

Just me rambling on about whatever I feel like rambling on at that time…or not. It might just be two lines, if that’s all I have to say.

I might write twice a day, or twice a month.
Just little ol’ me whenever I feel, however I feel.

I could get bored of this tomorrow and it’d be over before it begins.
Or it could become a 20 year ordeal.

Oh, btw, there's a pretty good chance you'll be popping up in one of these entries sooner or later. If you think it's you I'm talking about: "Names have been altered. Any similarities with persons either living or deceased in purely coincidental."

Now that that’s clear, let’s give this a shot.

You’re more than welcome to come along for the ride.


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