viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

Full-body workout? Naaah! More like FULL workout. Period.

It's good to be reading again.
Instead of the usual 'get home from the gym - make dinner -watch the news - Ipod a bit - go to bed' routine, actually sat down, and finished 'Into The Wild' last night.

It's a bit of an accomplishment to finish a book.

...Ok, before you say anything: I'm not as stupid as that sounds.
I love reading.
It's only that I normally only get to do it during my holidays, so what normally happens is those books I haven't finished before time off is over and I'm back at work will sit around for months before I actually find the time out of the everyday hassle to pick them up again.

No more.

I've just started Valerie Tasso's 'Diario De Una Ninfómana'.
I've made it a point to make time for reading.
Call it a delayed New Year's resolution if you will.

Can't just limit myself to work and going to the gym.
Yes, you have to train, improve your body.

But you have to find a balance. Or at least try.
You also have to train and nourish your brain.
That's where the reading comes in.

But there's more.
If I actually work out how to fit it in and take up the guitar again...Boom! Nourishing the soul, baby!

Body. Mind. Soul.

It's exhausting just thinking about it, sure.
But just like any workout, the more you put in, the more you get out.

Sure beats the Average Joe's life spent letting all three rot away in front of the TV.


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