sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

In The Blink of an Eye

For all the talk, all that’s been said about humankind’s greatness, our boundless brilliance, we are nothing.

We’ve become blinded by our own ingenuity, drunk with power, at awe at our quantum leaps in technology: from the discovery of fire... to stone tools... to the Bronze Age... to putting a man on the moon…wiring and then ‘wirelessling’ the planet to shrink distances down to zero.

Vacuum-sealing ourselves in a self-designed microcosm of concrete and glass, we’ve completely detached ourselves from the rest of nature, so content in our undisputed reign at the top of the food chain, our animal instincts shriveled to nothing.

We've forgotten how small we really are.
Nothing even minimally close to what we believe.
Look in the mirror.
We’re soft. And frail.
Nothing in the infinity of the universe.

Once each one of us becomes aware of just how limited our existence is, and puts into perspective the very few things that really matter, the best we can do is to try to make the best of the little time we have here.


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